Ultimately I know my career has accelerated, the business is doing very well, and I feel happier, calmer with more perspective to deal with the things that life throws at you!
Robin Davies, AMRA Music Read Robin’s testimonial
I have used Andrew's services as business coach, sometimes straying into holistic mindset coach on two separate occasions [one of the many benefits I get from the sessions is the combination of the business and holistic mindset - the scope of our sessions are broad, the clarity and actions are laser focused].
The first group of sessions was during a particular juncture in my career with the business I was working for going through a big restructure, my mentor and boss was leaving the business and I was challenging myself to understand my place and direction.
The second group of sessions were around the time I was promoted to leading the business I had advised and worked for over the last 7 years. It felt a career defining time and the 'how to handle / what next' question needed some reflection.
On both sets of sessions, I've found the sessions inspiring, thoughtful and impactful.
- Challenging the norms and my perceptions, setting up structures to allow me to achieve the things I want to
- Providing perspective in times of uncertainty, pulling back to previous discussions and tying narratives together to help piece fragmented thoughts together into a narrative that can help drive decision and action
- Good understanding of the music industry, and broader digital transformations and agenda which really helps
- Recommending books, lectures, people, music, etc to support things we talk about
- Uses academic study of humans, the mind, to root the practical application in science
- Uses anecdotal stories to support messages, challenging how I may be approaching a subject
- Getting insights into Andrew's broader knowledge and experience
- Finding clarity in areas I had not before
- For me the biggest hurdle was always 'what does this actually result in' and 'how can i measure the success of these sessions'. the way I see the benefit is impacting my life outside of the sessions, that I can either directly or indirectly link back to things we discussed. Examples being miraculously finding more time for the things I want to spend on, having a happy healthy family, picking up hobbies that I've dropped for years, over indexed career progression, finding ways of facing difficult work situations with calm and perspective
- Keeping me accountable to things we discuss. The sessions are rooted in practicality.
Ultimately I know my career has accelerated, the business is doing very well, and I feel happier, calmer with more perspective to deal with the things that life throws at you!